Thursday, April 2, 2009

enjoy the little things...

Hi, Everyone! 

Welcome to my blog! Starting this April 2009, this blog would be my new sanctuary. I promised to myself that I must write at least one posting everyday, for practicing my writing skill. So I'm gonna write every little things that happen in my daily life. Why i choose little things? Humm..simply because I'm inspired by a nice quote from Robert Brault that said: 

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things" 

Yes, from now on, I will spur every moment, every experience, every detail in my daily life, surely to learned the lesson well. Just like I enjoyed my favorite singer (Colbie Caillat, India Arie, Lily Allen, Chantal Kreviazuk) whose write and sing about their little things too... 

PS: Pardon me, if my English so time, i will use just the Bahasa...:-p 


*(picture taken from anonymous source, edited by joanne tjong)


  1. welcome septiku....cieh yang udah di launching blognya,, masukin shoutmix dong disini...

  2. msh ble'e nih, nadz..gue..hahaha...
    gaptek..hihi..mohon petunjuknya...heheheh... =)

  3. oh ini toh blogmu... ayo diapdet.. menyenangkan menulis di sini...



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