Hello again! It's been almost 2 years since the last time I have written this blog. Gotcha! I Can't keep my promise to writing every little thing that happened tp my life. Go on, punished me! :p
Well, to sum up the last 2 years, there were many things that happened in my life, started from the bad thing first, I guess. My father was retired, he was no longer worked at the office, so that affects the financial situation at home, a little bit. It's all about saving water, energy and less dining out at the restaurant. Slowly but sure i'll coping with the situation..
Then, on December 2010, my best friend Joanne Tjong (the one who edited picture on previous post) passed away because of an ill. This is the first time i loss a friend. It's so sad, until now i still can't believe that she is already gone, because she was the healthiest and most cheerful person I've ever met. I miss every moment, every chatting, gossiping and talking with her. But, life goes on, I don't want to be sad and mourn all the time. I'm sure she is happy now at her new 'home' and wanting all of her friends to living their life to the fullest. "So here I am Joanne, trying to living my life..without you, I promise, I will always keep you in my heart. I miss u so much, dear Joanne"
Now I will share some of the good news, on September 2009, I have finally graduating from University of Indonesia and holding Bachelor Degree majoring Communication. The never ending struggle in juggling between college and work is finally over. Alhamdulillah...
Next, I got a new job! After 3 years worked at MRA Printed Media, on August 2010 I moved to a new company, Alchemy Creative Communications. Now, I'm trying to learn the new job description as Public Relations Consultant. Smaller company, but more challenging job that need to be done.
Another good news is in 2010, I did couples of traveling in Indonesia, from Bali, Kepulauan Seribu, Semarang, Jogja and Bandung. And that is the point that I want to share with you. Yes, I gave up my plan to write every little thing that happened in my life (there is not enough time) and turn it into writing my travel stories. Interesting, eh?
I called this blog with a new name: The Journey of One Amateur Traveler, with a new address Write Your Itinerary. In my opinion, the best part of planning the vacation is create the itinerary, I found that browsing and finding new things about the destinations is extremely exciting. And there you go, my second 'welcome to my blog' post. Enjoy my amateur travel stories. Hope there will much more stories to come on the upcoming year...
PS: I know my English is still messed up, pardon me.. :p
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